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What is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing is just that.... Healing Energy. As a Healer, we are able to use our hands as devices to identify energetic blocks within your body, and we are able to remove these blocks. Once the blocks are removed, it allows your body to return back to a natural flow state. This energy has the capability to work on bones, organs, neurological systems, and more. Depending on the ailment we are working with, more than one session may be needed. 

I have been working with this energy for a few months only, but already have seen its healing power in action. I have healed tinnitus, headaches, a cold, have been able to relieve some allergies, and was able to increase the functionality on the face of a client with Bell's Palsy. This is only the beginning. This Healing Modality is a lifelong practice that will only get stronger with time. As I continue to use this Energy to heal, I will continue to grow in what I can heal.  

What if You could be free of Pain?

Imagine a life without pain. A life different than what you have become comfortable with. Let's find a new standard for life pain-free. 

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